Saturday, September 15, 2018

Zone of Proximal Development and Latin

This week, we did something different. 

Normally, when students walk in, they know to copy words down on the left side of their steno pads, and wait for me to begin the discussion. While we use the Socratic method ("What do you think this word means?" " What English word does this resemble?"), they are guided very closely in obtaining the answer. It was time to challenge them to move out of their comfort zone

This week, they came in and found groups of  3-4 related words placed in boxes on the board. Each table was assigned a box, and then asked to brainstorm at their tables to determine what the words meant. They had to come up with an answer, no matter what. As I walked around the room, I heard them sounding out the words, comparing them with English words, and using the context of the words in the group. "If x means this, then does y mean that?" "This sounds like ________." 

When time was up, each group was successful in correctly determining the meaning of at least two of the words in the groups. They explained why they came to the decision they did. They were not afraid to take risks, and come up with the wrong answer. They are more confident now. 

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