Sunday, August 19, 2018

Day One: Manus means hand

We traced our hands, and wrote manus inside.
Students quickly guessed that manacle, maneuver, manicure, 
manage, manipulate, and manuscript all are derived from manus.
From manuscript, we talked about scribere, which means to write.
They shouted out prescription, subscription, scribe, and describe. 
What do you write at the end of a letter? P.S. -- post script. 
If you were sitting in a scriptorium, what would you be doing? Writing.
Light bulb: A student asked about auditorium. Is that related to audio?
Yes. In Latin, Audio = I hear. Then I wrote the following sentence.

manus non audit. 

They knew right away--The hand does not hear
I asked, “How did you know the non was not?”
They agreed: "It just looks like it would mean ‘not’."
We took a vote---is this easy or hard? Easy.
Is this fun or not fun? Fun!
A good first day.

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