Sunday, August 19, 2018

English through Latin

Over 80% of English words are derived (de: down + rivum: river) from
Latin words.By learning Latin nomen (names) and verbum (words
describing action/movement), we can expand our vocabularum in
an exponential way. Combining methods taught through the
University of Notre Dame’s ACE ENL (English as a New Language) Program with our wonderfully curious Christ the King 7th graders, we will seek to expand vocabulary, increase their understanding of English syntax, and improve basic writing skills in all subjects through this pilot Grammar class. It is our hypothesis that learning English through Latin will increase understanding of vocabulary and grammar, no matter what language is spoken at home. Among our own students, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Vietnamese and Tagalog are among those spoken as first languages at home.

This site will document, by means of anecdotes and assessments, the validity of that hypothesis.

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